Henry Fulton Public School

Learning Together

Telephone02 4730 4136



To assist all parents with accessing information, notes, and forms, we have placed them all in this handy location. 

Dance group information

Dance group information (PDF 138KB) provides you with information about the different groups that will be formed this year that your child may express an interest in joining.

Year 6 shirts and caps

For our Year 6 students to have an item of school uniform printed with the names of their graduating class. Please complete the Year 6 shirts and caps form (PDF 111KB) and return to the school. 

National assessment program

National assessment program - literacy and numeracy (NAPLAN) 2018 for years 3 and 5 (PDF 287 KB) has the support of all State and Territory Education Ministers and will assess the literacy and numeracy skills of students across Australian schools. 

Tell them from me survey

To obtain valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them we would like the studnets to complete the Tell them from me survey (PDF 70KB).

Selection for high school

As Year 6 is moving into Year 7 they would be required to make selections (PDF 50KB) depending on choice for their high school. The form contains the name of your child’s designated local government school and needs to be returned regardless of your plans for high school. 

Canberra excursion refunds

 As the school could not reach the required numbers to ensure the camp could proceed and be a cost-effective excursion we are providing refunds for Canberra excursion (PDF 125KB) to the parents who had already made payments with the school. 

Cross Country carnival

Kindly complete and return the form for Cross country carnival (PDF 73KB) where students will run a circuit lap within the school boundary and the number of laps completed will be dependent upon the age, the student is turning or has turned this year. 

Cross Country postponed

The Cross country carnival postponed (PDF 66KB) due to continuous rain throughout the week and forecast of showers the week after.  


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